A Fairy Tale Starts with a Dream: An Interview with the 'Imaginary' New York Times Journalist

A Fairy Tale Starts with a Dream: An Interview with the 'Imaginary' New York Times Journalist

Hello, G.G. Can you introduce us to the title of your book?

Hi, I’m G.G. Marteluna, debut author of the upcoming historical fantasy novel – Katharina, Dracula’s Darkest Secret.

So, here we are today, getting to know G.G. Marteluna. What would you say is your biggest strength?

The unwavering power to dream and the determination to pursue those dreams. When you strip someone of their dreams, you strip them of their very essence and purpose.

Tell us a bit about your background and your childhood.

Oh, my childhood was quite a roller-coaster ride. I was born into a large family with two older sisters, making me the youngest by a significant margin—there's an eight-year gap between me and my oldest sister. I came into the world during the fall of communism in my country, a time of profound change and hardship. But above all, it brought hope—for a better future that could only be achieved through hard work and determination. Reflecting on those tumultuous times, I realise that's when I made a commitment to myself: I would always pursue hope, no matter how many mountains I had to climb. It was tough then, and it remains tough now as the world continues to change. But the one thing I hope we never lose is our soul. I believe in a better world, one where peace, love, and happiness can reign freely—a world where we are praised for our achievements, not judged for our weaknesses.

What are the three most important things you love?

Well, that's an easy one. My family serves as my anchor to this earth, and my husband has been my pillar of support through some of the most challenging times, especially as we've spent ten years battling to become parents, albeit unsuccessfully. Eventually, I realised that perhaps the universe has different plans for us, and the love we have in our hearts can be shared with the world through our other passions. We strive to give back to our community in every way we can, engaging in charity work, and maybe losing one dream meant nurturing another. 

Another great love of mine is for books. My beloved father, who is no longer with us, had a profound connection with books. During the communist era, books provided everyone with access to knowledge, offered an escape from life's hardships, and, importantly, gave life a purpose. This is how my own love for books blossomed—he owned hundreds, many of which I have yet to read. Witnessing him spend every hard-earned tip from his job on books taught me that nurturing our souls is the greatest gift we can give ourselves, despite financial challenges.

Choosing just three loves is difficult, but another significant aspect of my life is my connection with nature and the world around us. I believe there's an invisible thread binding us all, and it's something worth pursuing. That's why I enjoy spending time outdoors, exploring different places, visiting ruins and museums to uncover more about the past, and sharing moments of joy with our pets. These innocent souls are messengers of love and kindness, and they deserve our outmost care and affection.

Oh, wow, an invisible chain that binds us all together. I find that incredibly inspiring. How did this journey begin? Let's take a trip back in time.

From a young age, writing has been my solace. I've filled countless journals and notebooks with my innermost thoughts and dreams. Even in secondary school, I found myself playing the role of psychologist for my classmates. Those were tough times for children, with families struggling to make ends meet, often resorting to forced labour. This early exposure to hardship ignited my passion for working with people, leading me to pursue a career in education. Representing my native country in psychopedagogy at the Olympics, where I proudly returned home as the 1st finalist in 2007, remains a defining moment. I owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Belcin, my teacher, whose unwavering belief in me was a constant source of inspiration.

My journey led me to the UK, to Canterbury Christ Church University, where I earned a BA Honours in Business Management and a PGCE in Education. This path eventually brought me to Holy Trinity Primary School in South East England, where I became a primary teacher. The day I received my acceptance letter was filled with tears of joy, as pursuing my dreams in a foreign land demanded immense courage and resilience. Yet, I found a supportive community there that made every challenge worthwhile. Perhaps it's no surprise that my own experiences influenced the character of Mrs. Fritz, Emma's adoptive mother in my writing, a retired history teacher beloved by her community.

The impact I hope to have made on the children I taught, however brief our time together, remains a cherished memory. Life may have taken me in new directions, but I hold onto the belief that one day, they'll reflect on our journey together and see how it shaped their learning, their lives, and their futures—these are the most rewarding experiences we share. I'm deeply grateful to Sue and Rose, my teaching assistants, whose unwavering support and kindness were instrumental in my journey. Together, we've shown that by spreading joy and kindness, we attract the same in return. I feel immensely fortunate to have crossed paths with such compassionate souls who have left an indelible mark on my heart.

That's a beautiful tribute. So, why did you decide to change careers?

Well, life is always in motion, isn't it? It was love, in its unpredictable way, that steered me towards a new path. I reconnected with my childhood sweetheart from high school after seven years of separate journeys, during which we remained friends who exchanged birthday wishes. There's a funny story there, but perhaps for another time. If you're curious, yes, I admit, I fell first. 😅 (although he might argue otherwise). Love brought me back home, reigniting my passion for everything I had once cherished—the mysteries, the breathtaking landscapes, and above all, the spirit of the people. And I couldn't be happier with my decision, as he continues to be my hero through everything we've faced. Our journey, our love, our future.

Impressive journey—from teaching to the music industry, and now, writing a novel?

Thank you, really! I love not knowing what the future holds. This thought makes me ponder on the power of our dreams and how we alone shape our destinies. Each turn, each decision brings a new path. All I can say is it wasn’t easy at all. Many sleepless nights made me feel like a child again, learning to read and write from scratch. Despite the challenges, I achieved some remarkable milestones for which I am forever grateful, as they’ve brought immense joy to my soul.

One such milestone was licensing a single from Celine Dion’s music producer, Vito Luprano, in Canada. We spoke for hours on the phone, and I knew by heart every aspect of the contract (to me, it was just a test). I became proactive, scouting for music that could become number one hits in my country and beyond. Starting from the bottom taught me everything the hard way; initially, money wasn’t the motivation—joy and the desire to learn were.

I vividly recall sharing this journey with a radio manager while requesting airplay for a song. He chuckled and remarked, 'We’re all driven by something other than desire.' He was right—I was determined to find my place, and eventually, I did. Three years later, I began collaborating with major artists in my country, such as Andra, and embarked on exciting projects with prominent figures from the Latin music scene, including Enrique Iglesias, Descemer Bueno, Pachanga, and many more lined up for the future.

However, every gain comes with a loss. My greatest losses were losing my father and the opportunity to become a mother, topics I’ve written about extensively in another blog (you should give it a read). Despite these hardships, loss sparked a surge of creativity, and I found myself dreaming overnight of leaving a lasting legacy in this world—perhaps because I knew I’d never fulfil my lifelong dream of having children.

And so, my 'baby' was born—a novel that I’m soon bringing into the world with utmost consideration and respect for my future readers. 'Katharina, Dracula’s Darkest Secret' transcends time with immortal characters, mystery, adventure, time travel, romance, and much more. I sincerely hope it finds a place in your hearts, prompts reflection, brings you joy, and, above all, leaves a lasting impression.

What message do you have for your future readers?

I invite you to expect the unexpected and dive in wholeheartedly. This story will remain with you for a very long time. I'm thrilled to share it with you, and please feel free to like, comment, and share it with your bookish friends. ❤️

G. G. 🌜🌛




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