Women Fall, But Women Rise: The Inspiration Behind 'Katharina, Dracula's Darkest Secret'

Women Fall, But Women Rise: The Inspiration Behind 'Katharina, Dracula's Darkest Secret'


The sea, the waves, the endless horizon—all played a part in shaping this narrative. The inspiration for this book came from various angles, and I would love to share with you Part I of how it all began, followed by the rest of the journey. The world around us never ceases to inspire me, and I have a strong connection to the beach for this reason. It was here that the idea for my upcoming book came to me on a very emotional day, full of heartache, tears, and sorrow. I had lost my father at the age of 33, a loss that was both sudden and devastating. I had always imagined he would be by my side for much longer—holding my hand as I navigated life, meeting my first child, and sharing his funny jokes and wise proverbs whenever life got tough. I had learned so much from him.

But that day came unexpectedly—a cerebrovascular accident just a few days after my birthday. A birthday I wish I could remember fondly, but instead, I was bedridden, fighting another life challenge I had battled for ten years: infertility. I was in the midst of my tenth year of struggle, undergoing IVF treatments, hoping desperately to become a mother. This time, I had two embryos implanted and needed to rest as much as possible since they were my only embryos. I spent this time at my family's home because I needed their support.

On my birthday, I shared a plate of sweets, cakes, and ice cream with my father. However, I noticed he wasn't quite himself. He brushed it off, saying it was just the heat affecting his heart condition. He was unusually emotional during our brief meetings, and I could see the hope in his eyes—the hope that I would finally become a mother.

And then, life took a different turn.

My niece's birthday was approaching, so my husband and I went out for a couple of hours to buy her a present. That’s when my sister called with the most dreaded news: my father had been taken by ambulance. He was still talking, though incoherently. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, I couldn't visit him in the hospital, and my heart ached with each passing day. My family tried to protect me from severe stress because it could affect my embryos' implantation. Three days later, my mom received the call that he was in a coma. I was curled up on the sofa, tears streaming down, praying this was just a nightmare. My mom and husband were concerned about me as the pains in my belly intensified.

Then, two hours later, we received the call: my father had died. The realisation hit me like a tidal wave—I had never been able to see him, talk to him, or say my goodbyes while he was still breathing. The pain of this missed opportunity intensified the overwhelming grief that washed over me. In that moment, it felt like my heart died too, shattered into a million pieces. The ocean of suffering overwhelmed me as I lost both my father and my embryos on the same day, August 10th. The pain and loss were so immense that I began to ponder the nature of souls—those that depart our realm and those that never make it here.


Because something unexpected happened after the service. My aunt, my dad's sister, came up to me and said:

'You know you were born because of a dream your dad had?'

I looked at her, puzzled.

'No, what do you mean?'

She paused for a moment before continuing, 'He had a dream with you saying to him, 'Dad, I want to be born'.

I was left speechless because I had never heard this story. However, I knew very well the story of how difficult my mother's pregnancy was, and how she survived it in the hospital for the following six months as she grew weaker with each passing day. My sisters cried at home, fearing they would become orphans. But everyone fought harder because my parents were very spiritual. They both did everything they could to make it happen.

And they succeeded.

After the burial, my husband suggested we go have a coffee by the beach. I was quiet, engulfed in darkness and pain, but I felt my father's presence with me. I dreamt of him and sensed his spirit. At the beach, as we listened to the waves, I shared my thoughts on souls, immortality, rebirth, and more with my husband. I suggested he write about it. Given his natural talent for writing fantasy books, he could write anything. But he looked at me and said, 'I can't write about it. You're the one who always delves deep into this stuff'.

As I sipped my coffee, I had a moment of magic, a moment of self-belief that anchored me in my ocean of suffering. I said, "I will write it then!" 

And here we are, two years later, with a novel that crosses the boundaries of time, featuring immortal characters and a compelling narrative that will keep you guessing until the very end. 'Katharina, Dracula's Darkest Secret' explores the history of souls and how it has shaped two destinies.

Historical twists. Mystery. Adventure. Time travel. Romance. Fantasy. Conspiracy. 

By sharing my unfiltered story from the beginning, I aim to inspire all women who are navigating their own challenges and pursuing their dreams despite life's obstacles. Remember: women fall, but women also rise.

I hope it reaches deep into your heart, as it has mine.

Dad, I know I will make you proud!

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G.G. 🌜🌛🧛

#Katharina #Dracula #debutnovel #ggmarteluna #womenfall #womenrise


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Dear Jen,

Thank you so much. ❤️🧛📚 I will look forward to your review.

G. G. Marteluna

I’m excited to see the cover and read your story!


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